Tendencias de gafas O/I 2019-20
Más allá de su utilidad, algunas personas no podemos vivir sin gafas de sol. Forman parte de nosotros como una prolongación de nuestro cuerpo, mejoran nuestro estilo y carácter, se convierten en un estilo de vida e incluso a veces las usamos como escudo, no solo para evitar el sol sino para ayudarnos a enfrentar…
Sunglasses Trends FW 2019-20
Despite the usefulness, some people we cannot live without sunglasses. They belong to us as a part of our body, they upgrade our style and character, they become a lifestyle and even sometimes we use them as a shield, not only to avoid the sun but to help us facing reality. However life would be…
Mitsubishi LaVanguardia.com
“Branded Content” creation to promote the Mitsubishi Outlander PEHV electric vehicle. For this work we have created a sustainability route in Barcelona that we show through a video report and also with content creation through a written editorial published on La Vanguardia.com.