¿Eres Flyshionista?
Imagina que pudieras comprar online a cualquier país sin preocuparte de los costes de envío. Y ahora imagina que pudieras comprar online a cualquier país sin preocuparte de los costes de envío mientras que otras personas (o incluso tu mismo/a) obtenéis un pequeño ingreso aprovechando vuestros viajes. Suena bien, ¿verdad?. Pues esto ya es posible gracias a Flyshionista,…
Are you a Flyshionista?
Imagine you could shop online and avoid barriers and shipping costs? And now imagine you could shop online and avoid barriers and shipping costs while making other people (or even you) get a little revenue because of your travels. Isn’t it Cool? Well, so this is now possible thanks to Flyshionista, the First Social Delivery…
Are you a Flyshionista?
Imagine you could shop online and avoid barriers and shipping costs? And now imagine you could shop online and avoid barriers and shipping costs while making other people (or even you) get a little revenue because of your travels. Isn’t it Cool? Well, so this is now possible thanks to Flyshionista, the First Social Delivery Network For Fashion and…