Are you a Flyshionista?
Imagine you could shop online and avoid barriers and shipping costs? And now imagine you could shop online and avoid barriers and shipping costs while making other people (or even you) get a little revenue because of your travels. Isn’t it Cool? Well, so this is now possible thanks to Flyshionista, the First Social Delivery Network For Fashion and…
Animal skin versus Veganism in the Millennial era
Animal skin has always been the most controversial material in fashion. While some people see the use of animal skins as the embodiment of cruelty, others consider it the most elegant material in the world. Truth is that animal skin has always played an important role in human history; being the first material that gave humans…
The sunglasses brand that everyone wants to wear
OH MY EYES -already spotted in the pages of the greatest Vogue Magazine- is a recently born luxury eyewear brand from Stockholm inspired by Scandinavian modernism. Each frame is handmade in Sabae, Japan, which is where Japanese eyewear production started more than 100 years ago. They are made using the best available Japanese titanium and Italian cellulose acetate, based…
Creative Mornings Barcelona
¿Eres una persona muy curiosa?, ¿Te encanta viajar y observar a la gente?, ¿Hablas muchos idiomas?, ¿Eres bueno/a analizando?, ¿Descubres tendencias antes que nadie de forma natural?, ¿Eres un amante del arte, la moda, el diseño, la decoración, la arquitectura, la gastronomía … o de todo a la vez?, ¿Sabes cómo leer los comportamientos de…